
API information

API query execution for Activations

Full list of services, prices and number quantity

To call the API method, you need to send GET request over the HTTPS protocol to the specified URL:$api_key&action=getNumbersStatus&country=$country

Default Latvia

Get up-to-date prices for services for verification$api_key&action=getNumbersStatus&country=$country

IP address cannot exceed 10 requests per minute

User balance request

To call the API method, you need to send GET request over the HTTPS protocol to the specified URL:$api_key&action=getBalance

With a positive response from the server, you will receive a reply in the form:


If a server error occurs, you will receive a response in the form:


Instead of {KEY}, specify the API key, which you can find in the dashboard under My Account section.

Request full list of services, prices and number quantity for a specific country

To call the API method, you need to send GET request over the HTTPS protocol to the specified URL:$api_key&action=getPrices&country=$country

If a server error occurs, you will receive a response in the form:


Instead of {KEY}, specify the API key, which you can find in the dashboard under My Account section.

Instead of {COUNTRY}, specify the country you can get when requesting list_services.

Request a phone number for a specific service

To call the API method, you need to send GET request over the HTTPS protocol to the specified URL:$api_key&action=getNumber&service=$service&country=$country

With a positive response from the server, you will receive a reply in the form:


If a server error occurs, you will receive a response in the form:


Instead of {KEY}, specify the API key, which you can find in the dashboard under My Account section.

Instead of {SERVICE}, specify the service that you can get when requesting list_services.

Instead of {COUNTRY}, specify the country you can get when requesting list_services.

Request for an SMS to the ordered phone number

To call the API method, you need to send GET request over the HTTPS protocol to the specified URL:$api_key&action=getStatus&id=$id

If SMS hasn't been received, you get an answer:


If the time of the application is over:


If the text of the message is received:


If a server error occurs, you will receive a response in the form:


Instead of {KEY}, specify the API key, which you can find in the dashboard under My Account section.

Instead of {ORDER ID}, enter your order ID.

Cancellation of the order for the received number

To call the API method, you need to send GET request over the HTTPS protocol to the specified URL:$api_key&action=setStatus&status=$status&id=$id

If the order has been cancelled successfully, you get an answer:

ACCESS_CANCEL 6 - Close order
8 - Cancel order

Instead of {KEY}, specify the API key, which you can find in the dashboard under My Account section.

Instead of {ORDER ID}, enter your order ID.

API query execution for Rental

Request available countries and services

To call the API method, you need to send GET request over the HTTPS protocol to the specified URL:$api_key&action=getRentServicesAndCountries&rent_time=$time&country=$country

The response of the service will be in json format

$time * - rental time in hours (Default: 4 hours). (4,24,72,168,360,720)

IP address cannot exceed 10 requests per minute

Order a virtual number rental

To call the API method, you need to send GET request over the HTTPS protocol to the specified URL:$api_key&action=getRentNumber&service=$service&rent_time=$time&country=$country

The response of the service will be in json format


$time * - rental time in hours (Default: 4 hours). (4,24,72,168,360,720)

IP address cannot exceed 10 requests per minute

Get status for rent

To call the API method, you need to send GET request over the HTTPS protocol to the specified URL:$api_key&action=getRentStatus&id=$id

The response of the service will be in json format

{ "status": "success", "quantity": "2", "values": { "0": { "phoneFrom": "AUTHMSG", "text": "5", "date": "2023-05-20T19:23:57+03:00" }, "1": { "phoneFrom": "46717184720", "text": "4", "date": "2023-05-20T18:23:57+03:00" } } }

IP address cannot exceed 10 requests per minute

Rental Status Change

To call the API method, you need to send GET request over the HTTPS protocol to the specified URL:$api_key&action=setRentStatus&id=$id&status=$status

The status can be:

1 - Finish

2 - Cancel

List current activations

To call the API method, you need to send GET request over the HTTPS protocol to the specified URL:$api_key&action=getRentList

The response of the service will be in json format

{ "status": "success", "values": { "0": { "id": "123456", "phone": "37066253240", "endDate":"2023-05-20T20:23:57+03:00" }, "1": { "id": "123457", "phone": "31645879032", "endDate":"2023-05-20T19:23:57+03:00" } } }

IP address cannot exceed 10 requests per minute

Renew rent

To call the API method, you need to send GET request over the HTTPS protocol to the specified URL:$api_key&action=continueRentNumber&id=$id&rent_time=$time

The response of the service will be in json format


$time * - rental time in hours (Default: 4 hours). (4,24,72,168,360,720)

IP address cannot exceed 10 requests per minute